

Dear Customer,

  1. 為配合內政部外來人口新式統一證號換發作業,如您留存於本公司之統一證號尚未更新,您可透過下列方式辦理變更事宜:
    In response to the Ministry of the Interior of the R.O.C.(Taiwan) on the policy of the replacement and issuance of the new UI No. for foreign nationals, if your UI No. kept in the Mega Funds has not been updated, you can apply for modification via either of the following ways:
    • 臨櫃變更:本人親持載有新式統一證號之證件正本至本公司臨櫃辦理。
      Visit Mega Funds in person with the original of the certificate or instrument which contains the new UI No.
    • 郵寄變更:請下載列印並填妥「受益人資料變更暨原留印鑑變更申請書-自然人」「CRS客戶自我證明表-自然人」,連同載有新式統一證號及護照影本,郵寄至台北市松山區復興北路167號17樓。
      Fill in the “ Application for change of beneficiary information and change of original seal ” and “Self Certification Form-Individual”, which can be downloaded from the Mega Funds’s website (https://www.megafunds.com.tw) and post it to “17F, 167 Fu Hsing N. Road, Taipei, Taiwan, R. O. C. “ together with the copy of the certificate or instrument which contains the new UI No..
      In addition, in order to protect your rights and interests, the retained uniform certificate number must match the bank deduction (remittance) account certificate number, so as to avoid the occurrence of fund dividends or redemption funds from being refunded.
  2. 如有相關問題,可洽本公司客戶服務專線(02)2175-8368。
    If you have any questions, please call our customer service center (02)2175-8368。